• happy family hocking valley title agency


If you require legal services with respect to your real estate transaction, you are encouraged to retain legal counsel of your own choice. The attorneys at Dagger Law can provide legal services and document preparation for all of your real estate needs– for example: 

- Deeds
- Powers of Attorney
- Transfer on Death Affidavits
- Memoranda of Trust
- Easements and Shared Driveway Agreements
- Deed Restrictions
- Rights of First Refusal
- Purchase and Option Contracts
- Promissory Notes
- Mortgages, Releases and Subordination Agreements
- Lease Agreements
- Formation of limited liability companies to take title to real estate 
- IRC §1031 exchanges
- Minor and major subdivisions
- Re-zonings and variance requests
- Mechanic's Liens

Bryan M. Everitt (of Dagger Law)
Attorney and Title Agent

Email: bme@daggerlaw.com
Phone: (740) 653-6464 ext. 163
Fax: (740) 653-8522

Hocking Valley Title Agency, Inc. is an affiliate of Dagger Law, LLP, a law firm and limited liability partnership. By engaging Hocking Valley Title Agency, Inc., you are in no way obligated to utilize the legal services of Dagger Law, LLP. 

The services provided by Hocking Valley Title Agency, Inc. are not legal services.